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Right fuel at the right price is the key for cost-efficient power generation.

Founder Note

  Founder's Note  

"Right fuel at the right price is the key for cost-efficient power generation."
~ Mr. Vishal Narang
Founder & CEO, Pass Providers
Our mission is to add value to our user's life & pocket by providing affordable procurement, marketing, match making and price discovery solutions. That is why we founded PASS Providers, i.e. Purchase & Sales Solutions Providers. this system will save users's time and will support them in taking quick decisions related to their business operations.

In the past three decades, while setting up my work & life, I encountered many loopholes in the system. After a lot of self-introspection & a keen analysis of the environment, I have realized that this might be due to the ineffective implementation of a lot of policies & the prevailing problems in the Indian political system. The majority of our working force is migrating to other countries for a better lifestyle & those who cannot afford to, are stuck in a vicious poverty cycle.
As humans, it is our primary duty to take steps in this direction and to save our people & nation. We might be unable to eradicate these problems, but any support will help build a better society.

To prevent businesses & organizations from failing due to lack of resources, we have introduced a Price Discovery System which will help the users find their best solution, and that too free of cost! Our mission is also to eradicate other vicious problems of our country, such as inflation, underemployment, illiteracy, etc. So, taking one step at a time!

We are on a noble mission & I request all of you to join us in this and make our country a better place.